ID cards allow businesses, schools and other institutions to quickly identify employees and members. Therefore, it's essential to have an ID card design that clearly communicates all the key information in a single glance. Follow these ID card design tips to create cards that look great and fulfill all their essential requirements.

1. Keep it Simple

The simplest ID card designs are often the best. Avoid over-complicated designs with too many images or fancy fonts. Instead, focus on developing a clear ID card design that contains a few key features: your company name, the employee's name, picture and role, and the expiry date of the card. Every element should be large enough that it is easy to notice with just a glance.

2. Use a Large, Clear Image

Perhaps the most important aspect of an ID card is the photo of the employee. The photo allows employees in charge of checking the identity of people in the organization to quickly decide if the cardholder is the same person shown on the card. Take a well-exposed against a plain, light-colored background and ensure it appears large enough on the card to allow easy identification.

3. Include the Name of the Organization

The name of your organization should appear prominently on the card, so that lost cards can be returned. Include the organization name and logo on the card so that they are easy to recognize.

4. Use a Suitable Font

Choose a font that is easy to read for your ID card design. Steer away from fonts that are overly fussy and don't use italics. Capital letters are often easier to read, so put key information in all caps.

5. Choose the Background Colour Carefully

A background that is too dark can make the information on the ID card difficult to read. Choose white or a light background colour for your ID card design. Consider using different colours to designate different levels of access.

6. Consider ID Card Holders

Are you going to issue ID card holders or lanyards for your ID cards? You need to check that your ID card design works well with the holder. Ensure that the card holder doesn't cover any key information, such as the employee name or your organizations' logo. You may need to leave a small border around the edges of the card to ensure that important information isn't covered by a standard card holder.
Take the time to develop a good ID card design for your organization. Clear ID cards allow you to quickly and easily identify employees and ensure that everyone on your premises has the right to be there. Invest some time in designing ID cards that contain all the key information in a clearly presentable format to protect the security of your organization. For more information on ID card design tips or how to get the best printer for your organization, contact us at Avon Security Products today!



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