AVON SECURITY PRODUCTS - How to Choose Security Features for Your Business’s ID Cards
With ID cards, you can protect every corner of your business' facilities. Maximizing the effectiveness of your company's ID cards requires you to choose the right security features. But which ID card security features are best for your organization? To help you decide, we will show you everything that you need to know beforehand. ID card design Colour vs black and white Although it may seem like an aesthetic choice at first, deciding between colour and black and white is actually one of the most important ID card decisions that you will make. Colour makes it much easier to quickly identify the details of an ID card. You can also use colour coding to distinguish between different groups of people. Our favourite ways to use colour coded ID cards are to identify visitors and to manage security clearance levels. Single sided versus double sided Trying to squeeze a large amount of data onto one side of an ID card can make it difficult to read; this nullifies its prima...